Monday, February 1, 2010


Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, we've had some nasty weather lately, and as a result my subject material was put on hold due to the snow-induced long weekend. Anyway, I'll try and pick up the pace again this week, and weather permitting, I'll hopefully have some good stuff to blog about. Since we didn't have FNQ last week, I thought that tonight would be a good time to make that up. So, I now present to you the first-annual Monday Night Quotes. Enjoy.

Me: "So tell me what's keeping you from working?"
Teenage male: "I got the learning problems."
Me: "What type of learning problems?"
Male: "Well like in school, if I didn't study or go to class, I would fail the class. They tried getting me a tutor, but I never went to that, so I just figure I'm retarded."

Patient's written response to the question, "How has your condition caused you to change the way you live?"
"I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can see the light with my eyes."
(In case you didn't know, those are (basically) song lyrics from a 1980's song called Sunglasses at Night by Corey Hart. When I asked the patient if they liked Corey Hart, they said, "Uh...I guess so..." Apparently they didn't expect my mastery of 80's music!)

Me: "So you say your leg swelling keeps you from working. Why is that?"
Portly, angry man: "Well, I didn't really say that - my brother who's in nursing school said that I probably shouldn't work, so I took the week off. When my job asked for a doctor's note, my brother couldn't write one, I so got fired...and here I am."

Juvie Nurse: "So you hurt you hand hitting another detainee in the head?"
Juvie kid: "Well, I didn't really hurt my hand this time. But it's been hurt before, so I think it's acting up."
Nurse: "How did you hurt it before?"
Kid: "Punching people in the head."

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Hey Doc, my arm hurts when I reach around my back and try to touch my other arm on the elbow from behind... can I get a check for that?
